Dicembru 07 / December 07

Diskussjoni tas-seba’ taqsimiet tal-progett u għażla tal-istudenti responsabbli:
1.Skart - James Scicluna
2.Tnaqqis fl-Iskart - Maria Galea / Dorianne Galea
3.Enerġija - Jake Caruana
4.Ilma - Christian Farrugia
5.Trasport - Lourdes Giordmaina / Geert Grech
6.Hajja b’Saħħitha - Kimberly-Ann Galea
7.L-Iskola - Joseph Fenech

Discussion of the seven areas of the project and choice of students responsible for:
1. Waste - James Scicluna
2. Waste Reduction - Maria Galea / Dorianne Galea
3. Energy - Jake Caruana
4. Water - Christian Farrugia
5. Transport - Lourdes Giordmaina / Geert Grech
6. Healthy Living - Kimberly-Ann Galea
7. School - Joseph Fenech