Elezzjoni tal-Kunsill tal-Istudenti / Kumitat EkoSkola:
Year 4
Cini Christian, Giordmaina Gabriel, Sant Bradley, Vella Emily
Year 5
Agius Kyle, Dalli Jason, Grech Kathleen
Year 6
Borg Casey, Conti Cheyenne, Giordmaina Lourdes
Students' Council / EkoSkola Committe election

Laqgħa ta’ introduzzjoni mal-membri :
Year 6 – Casey Borg, Cheyenne Conti
Year 5 – Kyle Agius, Kathleen Grech
Year 4 – Christian Cini, Emily Vella
Year 3 - Celine Cutajar, Elvin Gauci
Għażla ta’ Casey Borg bħala president, Cheyenne Conti bħala chairperson u Kathleen Grech bħala segretarja.
Għażla ta’ studenti responsabbli biex darba f’ġimgħa jiċċekkjaw l-użu tajjeb ta’ dawl u ilma.
Dawl : Claire Borg (Year 3), Miriana Cini (Year 3)
Luke Ablea (Year 4), Thomas Camilleri (Year 4)
Ilma : Jason Dalli(Year 5), Maria Farrugia (Year 5)
Ayrton Mifsud (Year 6), Charmaine Vella (Year 6)
Introductory meeting with members :
Year 6 – Casey Borg, Cheyenne Conti
Year 5 – Kyle Agius, Kathleen Grech
Year 4 – Christian Cini, Emily Vella
Year 3 - Celine Cutajar, Elvin Gauci
Choice of students responsible to check proper use of electricity and water once a week.
Election of Casey Borg as president, Cheyenne Conti as chairperson and Kathleen Grech as secretary.
Choice of students responsible to check proper use of electricity and water once a week.
Electricity : Claire Borg (Year 3), Miriana Cini (Year 3)
Luke Ablea (Year 4), Thomas Camilleri (Year 4)
Water : Jason Dalli(Year 5), Maria Farrugia (Year 5)
Ayrton Mifsud (Year 6), Charmaine Vella (Year 6)